
Enterprises authorised to safely remove asbestos and connected with asbestos issue (e.g. asbestos removal, laboratories, education issues , programmes of asbestos-containing products removal). The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and SmallGIS Sp. z o.o. are not responsible for the companies presented on .

41. JACEK RADKOWIAK PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO USŁUGOWE POMORSKIE człuchowski Człuchów (gmina miejska) Dąbki Removal of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
42. JOB SAFETY OŚRODEK SZKOLENIOWY Janusz Czajkowski PODLASKIE Białystok Białystok (gmina miejska) Białystok Asbestos training Report comments to the entry to the administrator
43. KAMIŃSKI KRYSTIAN FIRMA REMONTOWO-BUDOWLANA "AZKEL" MAZOWIECKIE sokołowski Sokołów Podlaski (gmina miejska) Sokołów Podlaski Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
44. Kan-Pol PPHU LUBELSKIE Lublin Lublin (gmina miejska) Lublin Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
45. KOBOS Jarosław Kozicki DOLNOŚLĄSKIE ząbkowicki Kamieniec Ząbkowicki (gmina miejsko-wiejska) Kamieniec Ząbkowicki Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
46. Koldach Tomasz Kolodziej ŚLĄSKIE raciborski Nędza (gmina wiejska) Łęg Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
47. KONSTANTY SPUREK "EKO-MIX" DOLNOŚLĄSKIE Wrocław Wrocław (gmina miejska) Wrocław Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
48. Ligęza Krzysztof Jacek "Eco.Geo.Invest" mgr inż.Krzysztof Ligęza MAŁOPOLSKIE nowotarski Ochotnica Dolna (gmina wiejska) Ochotnica Dolna Asbestos training, Inventory of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
49. Logistyka Odpadów - Realizacje Sp. z o. o. ŚLĄSKIE Bielsko-Biała Bielsko-Biała (gmina miejska) Bielsko-Biała Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes, Inventory of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
50. LOGISTYKA ODPADÓW SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ ŚLĄSKIE Bielsko-Biała Bielsko-Biała (gmina miejska) Bielsko-Biała Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes, Asbestos training, Inventory of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
51. ŁGW Rembud AGNIESZKA DZIĄG ŁÓDZKIE Łódź Łódź (gmina miejska) Łódź Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes, Asbestos training, Inventory of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
52. MATERIAŁY BUDOWLANE MAŁGORZATA ORŁOWSKA ZACHODNIOPOMORSKIE drawski Drawsko Pomorskie (gmina miejsko-wiejska) Drawsko Pomorskie Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
53. MURZYN MARCIN " MAXMED" Zakład Usługowo-Handlowy POMORSKIE wejherowski Wejherowo (gmina miejska) Orle Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes, Inventory of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
54. OŚRODEK SZKOLENIOWY JARED ŚLĄSKIE Katowice Katowice (gmina miejska) Katowice Health and safety training in contact with asbestos Report comments to the entry to the administrator
55. Paweł Michalski Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Budowlano-Handlowe EKO ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE buski Busko-Zdrój (gmina miejsko-wiejska) Mikułowice Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
56. P.H.U. US - KOM ROBERT KOŁODZIEJSKI MAZOWIECKIE gostyniński Gostynin (gmina miejska) Bierzewice Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
57. P.J.7 Przemysław Janicki WIELKOPOLSKIE gostyński Gostyń (gmina miejsko-wiejska) Gostyń Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes, Inventory of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
58. POL-AZBEST JUSTYNA PRUS-WOROSZYŁO PODLASKIE Białystok Białystok (gmina miejska) Białystok Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes, Inventory of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
59. P.P.H.U. "eko-grunt" Wojciech Wieczorek ŚLĄSKIE Bielsko-Biała Bielsko-Biała (gmina miejska) Bielsko-Biała Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes, Inventory of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
60. Pracownia Badań Środowiskowych Wojciech Kochel ŚLĄSKIE Zabrze Zabrze (gmina miejska) Zabrze Identification of asbestos in products, Determination of asbestos in the environment and work environment, Asbestos training, Inventory of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator