Statistical summary

>> Weight of all products in kg - collapse

No. inventoried neutralized the remaining to be neutralized
total natural persons legal persons total natural persons legal persons total natural persons legal persons
1 8 660 428 847 7 873 349 032 787 079 815 1 804 521 532 1 629 709 178 174 812 354 6 855 935 355 6 243 667 894 612 267 461

>> Weight of products by type in kg - expand

No. product code inventoried neutralized the remaining to be neutralized
total natural persons legal persons total natural persons legal persons total natural persons legal persons

>> Weight of products by voivodeship in kg - expand

No. code name inventoried neutralized the remaining to be neutralized
total natural persons legal persons total natural persons legal persons total natural persons legal persons

>> Weight of products by county in kg - expand

No. code name inventoried neutralized the remaining to be neutralized
total natural persons legal persons total natural persons legal persons total natural persons legal persons

>> Weight of products by municipality in kg - expand

No. code name inventoried neutralized the remaining to be neutralized
total natural persons legal persons total natural persons legal persons total natural persons legal persons
No. locality inventoried neutralized the remaining to be neutralized
total natural persons legal persons total natural persons legal persons total natural persons legal persons
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