
Enterprises authorised to safely remove asbestos and connected with asbestos issue (e.g. asbestos removal, laboratories, education issues , programmes of asbestos-containing products removal). The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and SmallGIS Sp. z o.o. are not responsible for the companies presented on .

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No. Name Sortuj Voivodeship Sortuj County Sortuj Municipality Sortuj Locality Sortowanie od najmniejszego Range of activities Options
21. Good Wood Szymon Jaraczewski WIELKOPOLSKIE gostyński Gostyń (gmina miejsko-wiejska) Gostyń Protection of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
22. HUBER Wieczorek Hubert LUBELSKIE puławski Puławy (gmina wiejska) Góra Puławska Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
23. AZBESTPOL MICHAŁ PALACZYK ŚLĄSKIE kłobucki Wręczyca Wielka (gmina wiejska) Kalej Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes, Inventory of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
24. FIRMA HANDLOWO USŁUGOWA "MAR-NET" MARCIN NIEZGODA ZACHODNIOPOMORSKIE drawski Kalisz Pomorski (gmina miejsko-wiejska) Kalisz Pomorski Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes, Inventory of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
25. KOBOS Jarosław Kozicki DOLNOŚLĄSKIE ząbkowicki Kamieniec Ząbkowicki (gmina miejsko-wiejska) Kamieniec Ząbkowicki Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
26. F.H.U. ,,SOSANIT" Marcin Sosa PODKARPACKIE przeworski Kańczuga (gmina miejsko-wiejska) Kańczuga Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes, Identification of asbestos in products, Determination of asbestos in the environment and work environment, Inventory of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
27. OŚRODEK SZKOLENIOWY JARED ŚLĄSKIE Katowice Katowice (gmina miejska) Katowice Health and safety training in contact with asbestos Report comments to the entry to the administrator
28. INVEST STENZEL SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ POMORSKIE kartuski Przodkowo (gmina wiejska) Kobysewo Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
29. INVEST STENZEL Rafał Stenzel POMORSKIE kartuski Przodkowo Kobysewo Removal of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
30. Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno- Handlowe "KOLMEX" Jan Paśniewski KUJAWSKO-POMORSKIE lipnowski Lipno (gmina wiejska) Kolankowo Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
31. PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO HANDLOWO-USŁUGOWE "DRÓŻDŻ" WŁODZIMIERZ DRÓŻDŻ ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE konecki Końskie (gmina miejsko-wiejska) Końskie Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
32. WESSLING POLSKA SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ MAŁOPOLSKIE Kraków Kraków (gmina miejska) Kraków Identification of asbestos in products, Determination of asbestos in the environment and work environment, Inventory of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
33. RADOSŁAW ROKOSZ FIRMA REMONTOWO - BUDOWLANA "RAGAR" MAŁOPOLSKIE Kraków Kraków (gmina miejska) Kraków Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
34. Azbeko - Jarosław Kruk LUBUSKIE słubicki Górzyca (gmina wiejska) Laski Lubuskie Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
35. Kan-Pol PPHU LUBELSKIE Lublin Lublin (gmina miejska) Lublin Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
36. Koldach Tomasz Kolodziej ŚLĄSKIE raciborski Nędza (gmina wiejska) Łęg Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
37. ZSYP-SERWIS SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ ŁÓDZKIE Łódź Łódź (gmina miejska) Łódź Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
38. ŁGW Rembud AGNIESZKA DZIĄG ŁÓDZKIE Łódź Łódź (gmina miejska) Łódź Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes, Asbestos training, Inventory of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
39. Firma "AZ-BEST" Dominika Sidorowicz ŁÓDZKIE Łódź Łódź Łódź Removal of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes Report comments to the entry to the administrator
40. REVOL SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ ŁÓDZKIE Łódź Łódź (gmina miejska) Łódź Removal of asbestos-containing products, Protection of asbestos-containing products, Transport of asbestos-containing wastes, Asbestos training, Inventory of asbestos-containing products Report comments to the entry to the administrator
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